Meet Our Team

The team at Royal River came to work here for different reasons; but one thing remains the same for each and every one of us: we are all passionate about our mission to offer fresh, local and organic products for our customers.

Tina Wilcoxson, Owner Tina Wilcoxson, Owner

Tina Wilcoxson, Owner

I grew up in “The County” on a potato farm in a farming community where kids still get out of school for the harvest every year. Every fall, I actually miss working on a harvester or picking potatoes; the feeling of everyone pulling together and helping each other to get the crops in.

For 3 weeks, all of the County was focused on harvest and it was dirty, exhausting, hard work and I loved it...all of it. The early mornings, the smell of earth being turned over, the laughing and joking, the fall foliage and the occasional rests when the digger would break down.

And now, as the owner of RRNF, I get to spend time with the Maine farmers who supply us with produce or meats and am thankful I can still be involved with farming even though my hands don’t get dirty and are more likely found using a calculator or register.
Lorraine, Store Manager & Gift Buyer

Lorraine, Store Manager & Gift Buyer

I was born and raised in Northern California, deciding at age 30 it was time for a change. I ended up on the other side of the country in the lovely state of Maine, a place I had visited only a few times prior. I started working at RRNF when I first arrived on the East coast, and here I am today, still enjoying every moment.

The connection of eating well and feeling well is important to me. I love meeting our farmers and producers of local products and knowing where my food comes from. Working for a small local business is very fulfilling and I couldn't imagine anything different. I am grateful to be part of everything that RRNF stands for and provides for the community.
Doug, Purchasing Director Doug, Purchasing Director

Doug, Purchasing Director

This is a picture of me when I was about four years old (on the left if you hover your mouse over my photo) next to one of my older brothers (I have four total) at a summer camp over in Raymond - Gander Brook Christian Camp. We attended the camp growing up and, when in college, I returned as a camp counselor. 

That experience of the struggle to try to love kids in all their erratic forms - while in communion with fellow counselor friends doing the same - has created the most meaningful place on earth for me. Over the years, volunteering off and on at the camp and building strong relationships that will last an eternity often makes me feel ashamed for the moments in life where I am not grateful.
The grown-up shot of me is about forty years later at the same camp.  I was born in New England, but for many years also lived in Texas and Colorado. My wife (also a camp counselor) and I returned to New England to continue to be a part of Gander Brook’s livelihood. 

I have a son and a daughter who now look forward to attending Gander Brook every summer, and my son has even produced an excellent documentary from a camper's perspective viewable at Linopafilms on youtube.

I also love doing anything with my four brothers, especially candlepin bowling.

...and, I like working for an independent business that strives to create a pleasant environment in which to work and shop and strives to provide meaningful and quality products. Royal River is the perfect fit!
Hannah, IT Manager Hannah, IT Manager

Hannah, IT Manager

My role at RRNF allows me to collide my love of logic and problem solving with my passion for organic and locally produced foods and goods. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to maintain active participation in the growth of Royal River Natural Foods.

Born and raised in Maine, I spent most of my youth sailing the coast and traveling the back roads with family and friends. I have been working with computers most of my life - some of my earliest memories consist of testing software for my dad as a small child. A proud aunt to six amazing kids, I very much enjoy spending time with my family and furry friends. I am a devoted lover of animals and I believe it is of utmost importance to treat the earth and all of her inhabitants with love and respect.
Nina, Assistant Store Manager Nina, Assistant Store Manager

Nina, Assistant Store Manager

I'm constantly curious and eager to learn about all the ways that the natural foods industry is changing, specifically when it comes to supplements, organic and natural practices, as well as healthy lifestyles.

I try to incorporate these practices into my life as much as possible. At the end of the day, I'm an avid believer in maintaining a well balanced life: one that appreciates delicious food, wine, breathtaking art, good music, great company, a body that is active, and everything in between.

I also have a pretty great collection of sea urchins that I hope to one day build my hobbit-home out of.

Chad, Produce Manager & Meat Manager

Passionate about food from an early age, I learned most of my cooking from my grandmother Beaulah in DownEast Maine. Fresh meat and vegetables were always a staple while growing up. I attended Paul Smith's College in Upstate NY with a degree in Culinary Arts and Hotel Restaurant Management. I was a chef on Hilton Head Island for five years. I have lived in Maine, NY, SC, NJ, & PA. Mixing my passion for food with my years of customer service experience makes RRNF the natural fit for me.

Our dear friend and coworker, Crow, who passed away in August 2023.  Forever & always in our hearts.

Our dear friend and coworker, Crow, who passed away in August 2023. Forever & always in our hearts.

Jan, Merchandising & Display Extraordinaire aka Our Girl

Jan, Merchandising & Display Extraordinaire aka Our Girl

Becky, Grocery Associate

Becky, Grocery Associate

Colleen, Sous Chef

Colleen, Sous Chef

Pete, Receiving Operations Manager

Pete, Receiving Operations Manager